When your corporation is so large that it has a “Careers” tab on your website, you can be pretty sure that you are doing something right. A.M.Castle & Co. in Oak Brook, IL, is that sort of company–international, expanding, “growing to serve the more complex requirements of [their] customers” –and one I had the pleasure of serving myself. As Castle is updating their website, my first corporate photography assignment for this Oak Brook, IL company was to photograph a number of their employees, each in a unique environment, with unique lighting needs, for their Career page.
I arrived with all my gear, not knowing exactly what the lighting needs would be. I’d scouted the corporate office, but as it turned out only 2 of all the images were shot in this office, and even those weren’t IN the office but the lobby area. The others were outside in crazy sun, in the factory in Franklin Park, Illinois (recently moved to Janesville, Wisconsin), and in the lobby and in the hallway of the factory. It was a creative challenge since every single one had a different lighting requirement.
As it turned out, nearly all the images are mine on their Careers page–EXCEPT the one made in the UK, of Louise Child on a soccer field. Hey, I would have done that one, if they’d flown me out there! My daughter and son-in-law in Oxford would have put me up for a night or two as well.
I have to say that the people I met, worked with and photographed were terrific. Castle & Co. knows how to attract good people.
Click here to see images on A.M.Castle & Co.’s “Careers” page
Be sure to click through each person on the left, to see the amazing images we made in the corporate office and their factory in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Environmental headshots and portraits really personalize your business, whether you are a family-owned shop or a huge corporation. Let’s talk about how I can help you personalize YOUR business.